Dev & Design Round-up 11: Machine learning, Rails library and UIKit Styling

Welcome back to the Dev & Design Round-Up, our weekly round-up of the articles and resources our team members have shared on our internal Slack channel. These are the top articles we have read.


Bitfield Predicting fuel efficiency with Elixir, Nx, and Axon: a gentle introduction to Machine Learning

A Tour of Snapshot Testing Our snapshot testing library is now officially open source! In order to show just how easy it is to integrate the library into any existing code base, we add some snapshot tests to a popular open source library for attributed strings. This gives us the chance to see how easy it is to write all new, domain-specific snapshot strategies from scratch.

Does shadow DOM improve style performance? Short answer: Kinda. It depends. And it might not be enough to make a big difference in the average web app. But it’s worth understanding why.

thoughtbot/administrate A Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard.

A framework for creating flexible, powerful admin dashboards in Rails. Administrate is a library for Rails apps that automatically generates admin dashboards. Administrate’s admin dashboards give non-technical users clean interfaces that allow them to create, edit, search, and delete records for any model in the application.

Modern web apps without JavaScript bundling or transpiling I didn’t much care for vanilla JavaScript prior to ES6. Through all of the 2000s, I chased different approaches to avoid writing too much of it. First there was RJS (Ruby-to-JavaScript). Then there was CoffeeScript. Both transpiling approaches that turned more enjoyable-to-write source code into the kind of JavaScript that browsers would execute. It sorta worked.

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Twitter’s new font and Last of Us 2: an accessibility lesson to be learned How does an accessibility update make the product less accessible for some users?

UIKit Styling with Functions We bring tools from previous episodes down to earth and apply them to an everyday task: UIKit styling. Plain functions unlock worlds of composability and reusability in styling of UI components. Have we finally solved the styling problem?

Everything you need to know about skeleton screens Skeleton screens in different shapes and sizes are seemingly found everywhere across the web and apps — anywhere humans are forced to wait. But do they actually work?

We hope you enjoyed this week’s collection. Follow us for more exciting content and subscribe to our newsletter to grow your knowledge.

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