Dev & Design Round-up 2: Stanford iOS course, User Journey Mapping and a bit of Elixir

Welcome back to the Dev & Design Round-Up, our weekly round-up of the articles and resources our team members have shared on our internal Slack channel. These are the top articles we have read.


The Simple Tricks to Make Your Website Blazing Fast Web application load speed is the most basic part of UX. Neglecting performance (load time) of your website can drive away users, because most people tend to leave the page after about 3 seconds if it doesn’t load, therefore it’s very important to make sure that your application loads as fast as possible.

Debugging Elixir Code: The Definitive Guide Every application contains bugs, and even if it doesn’t, it will. And even if you’re not a notorious bug producer and your code quality is generally good, the conditions programmers work in are often suboptimal - you will often find yourself pulling your hair out over code written years ago by someone no longer involved in your project.

Livebook is a secret weapon for documentation Mark Ericksen explains how Livebook can be used to document and experiment with some part of your Elixir application’s codebase, in a new and cool way.

Stanford University’s iOS course The lectures for the Spring 2021 version of Stanford University’s course CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI) were once again delivered to our students in an on-line fashion due to the novel coronavirus outbreak. Stanford will be making these lecture videos available to all (two per week or so) by posting them on its YouTube channel (links below).

WWDC 2021 Events, Parties, and Panels you don’t want to miss WWDC 2021 is around the corner and will bring a ton of (home)work for all of us. A new Xcode, new APIs, SwiftUI improvements, and likely a lot more things we can’t predict. WWDC is often called “Christmas for iOS Engineers” as you can see all these new announcements as little big presents.

Uber’s Crazy YOLO App Rewrite, From the Front Seat I’ve worked on many projects throughout my career as a software engineer. However, Helix - Uber’s Rider app rewrite in 2016 introducing Swift and RIBs - stands as the craziest project by a margin.

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User Journey Maps: A Guide to Designing Digital Product A user journey map is a visual timeline that shows what a user goes through to accomplish a goal. It gives an overall view of the scenario and actions at every touch point. If you want a more detailed map, you can also add the users’ emotions, pain points and motivation throughout the map.

A guide to the Modern Minimal UI style There wasn’t a thing like this one until a long time and I feel like I’ve been waiting for a new, functional, and visually appealing design style to emerge. And it stole my heart completely.


Advice for Junior Developers Software developers aren’t paid to code.

7 Ways to Be Insufferable in A Remote Meeting How to creatively ruin any meeting

We hope you enjoyed this week’s collection. Follow us for more exciting content and subscribe to our newsletter to grow your knowledge.

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