Dev & Design Round-up 3: Netflix personalization and A Cautionary Tale

Welcome back to the Dev & Design Round-Up, our weekly round-up of the articles and resources our team members have shared on our internal Slack channel. These are the top articles we have read.


A Brief History of Netflix Personalization - From startup in 1998 to today, a detailed history of the strategy, metrics, and experiments Netflix executes to develop a personalized experience focused on delivering its members movies they love.

Highlights of new technologies introduced at WWDC 2021 - Check out a selection of documentation for new technologies, frameworks, and APIs introduced at WWDC 2021. Existing frameworks have added significant functionality, and you’ll find new ways to enhance your apps targeting the latest platform release.

Oh Shit, Git!?! Git is hard - Screwing up is easy, and figuring out how to fix your mistakes is fucking impossible. Git documentation has this chicken and egg problem where you can’t search for how to get yourself out of a mess, unless you already know the name of the thing you need to know about in order to fix your problem.

A Cautionary Tale - In the grand scheme of things it wasn’t that bad a day; it actually turned out pretty well. But what follows is a post mortem on how I accidentally pinged every Android customer in production, and a little bit of advice so that it doesn’t happen to you.

Is it time to reset HTML? - HTML is one of the foundational building blocks of the Web. But just as web design best practices and techniques change over time, so does the code we use. As HTML evolves, some of its older markup has been deprecated while other parts have been repurposed.

Demystify SwiftUI - Peek behind the curtain into the core tenets of SwiftUI philosophy: Identity, Lifetime, and Dependencies. Find out about common patterns, learn the principles that drive the framework, and discover how you can use them to guarantee correctness and performance for your app.

Work at VeryCreatives!


The biggest rebrands of the decade have this visionary designer in common - An article about how Lisa Smith turned the world off of minimalism and changed the design landscape.

Discoverable design - Discover how you can create interactive, memorable experiences to onboard people into your app. We’ll take you through discoverable design practices and learn how you can craft explorable, fun interfaces that help people grasp the possibilities of your app at a glance. We’ll also show you how to apply this methodology to personalize your content and make your app easy to customize.

Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0.

Shedding More Light on How Instagram Works - It’s hard to trust what you don’t understand. We want to do a better job of explaining how Instagram works. There are a lot of misconceptions out there, and we recognize that we can do more to help people understand what we do. 

Accessibility by design: An Apple Watch for everyone - Discover how Apple creates products that work well for everyone. Learn from a few of the engineers and designers who helped build Apple Watch as they share stories that highlight our approach to accessible design, constant iteration, and community engagement.

Explore SF Symbols 3 - Explore the latest updates to SF Symbols, Apple’s iconography library. SF Symbols 3 features over 600 new symbols, enhanced color customization, a new inspector, and improved support for custom symbols. It’s never been easier to create beautiful symbols that integrate easily with San Francisco — the system font for Apple platforms — and support accessibility features like Dynamic Type, Bold Text, and VoiceOver.


How to Be a Boss People Love Working for - Motivating with more than just money.

I moved my workspace to VR, here’s what I learnt - I spent a month working full time in virtual reality. Is the tech there yet? Is it comfortable to use VR? Should we all switch to $500 headsets from the $1500+ displays? Here are the answers.

We hope you enjoyed this week’s collection. Follow us for more exciting content and subscribe to our newsletter to grow your knowledge.

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