Welcome back to the Dev & Design Round-Up, our weekly round-up of the articles and resources our team members have shared on our internal Slack channel. These are the top articles we have read.
Where to (not) use Phoenix LiveView - Recently I was watching the great conference Elixir Wizards Conference and someone asked a question about Phoenix LiveView. The question was about use cases and examples where to use Phoenix LiveView. I think there was no time for a proper answer so I decided to answer this question.
How to design a system to scale to your first 100 million users - It is not easy to design a system that supports hundreds of millions of users. It always is a big challenge for a software architect (but it’ll be easy from today after reading my article 🤣)
10 Ultimate Programming Jokes, by the Programmers for the Programmers - Jokes that will make you laugh your lungs out, even if you are not a programmer.
Why is NanoID Replacing UUID? - A Tiny, URL-Friendly Unique String Generator for JavaScript.
Consume REST APIs in your React App Like A Pro, Using Services! - In this decade almost every application written is either consuming a REST API or is providing one. This highlights the importance of, to some extent understanding the REST API.
This is the Future of Webdev. Crazy, Right? - Sorry, it’s not TypeScript or WebAssembly. It’s not even React or GraphQL. What else it’s not? It’s obviously not JavaScript. It’s not Rust, not Go, not even Elm. It’s not Flutter or React (and I love React). I could go on and on, but rather than talk what it is not, let’s talk about what it is.
10 Modern JavaScript Tricks Every Developer Should Use - Tips for writing short, concise, and clean JavaScript code
Swift Heroes Digital 2021 - Highlights
Elixir & Software Engineering - GenServer (Generic Server) is one of the most common tools in the Elixir toolbag. I’ve written in the past about why you don’t need to know about GenServers to get started with Elixir. However, you will inevitably hit the point where you want (or need) them. This post will be my description of a GenServer to beginners to the language.
7 GUIs: Implementing a Flight Booker in LiveView - This post will cover some highlights of implementing a flight booker, the third of the 7 GUI tasks.
Blog with Elixir good to knows
15 Amazing Web Designs You Should See in 2021 - Fantastic collection of designs for the 2021 design year.
Ultimate Guide to Color in UX/UI Design - Tips, theory & best practices from beginner to advanced by moonlearning.io.
The uncomfortable truth I often couldn’t tell junior designers - Sometimes when you struggle, it’s a sign that something isn’t working.
How to share your UX research - Tips for making reports your colleagues will actually read.
We hope you enjoyed this week’s collection. Follow us for more exciting content and subscribe to our newsletter to grow your knowledge.