The home of cross-sector
collaboration in the UK

Community PortalMembership modelSingle-Tenant SaaSProduct DesignMVP DevelopmentSaaS Development
Project Overview

Project Overview

CN-X serves as a central hub for collaboration, accommodating a thriving community of 1000 active members (and counting). Providing a secure login process, CN-X offers a dedicated space for members to engage in discussions via its forum, access a diverse collection of publications and videos, and efficiently manage event registrations and reservations through its booking system. The platform also enables seamless member-to-member communication, fostering valuable connections.

Our Process

The Challenge

CN-X Collaboration Network faced the challenge of fostering meaningful business connections, providing valuable resources, and facilitating effective knowledge sharing among its diverse user base. The platform needed to differentiate itself from existing networking platforms and establish its value proposition as an all-encompassing hub for business growth.

Our Solution

To address these challenges, CN-X Collaboration Network partnered with our team to develop a multi-faceted strategy that emphasized meaningful connections, resource accessibility, and event engagement.

1. Tailored Networking Experience

Members serves as your central hub for networking. Easily manage your connections by accepting or sending connection requests with just a few clicks. Navigate through a user-friendly interface, and use our advance search to find professionals in your field, helping you forge valuable connections.

2. Resource Library Enhancement

We revamped the platform's resource section to offer a comprehensive collection of journals, reports, masterclasses, and other industry-related content. Content was categorized to cater to different tiers of users, providing valuable insights and tools for professional development and business growth.

3. Hybrid Event Approach

Recognizing the importance of both in-person and online networking, we integrated a registration system for events. Members could seamlessly sign up for both physical and virtual events, ranging from seminars and workshops to conferences and webinars.


The strategic enhancements implemented by CN-X Collaboration Network produced remarkable outcomes:

  • 1. Meaningful Connections

    Users reported a higher level of satisfaction in connecting with like-minded professionals within their industries, leading to potential collaborations and partnerships.

  • 2. Event Engagement

    The hybrid event approach garnered increased attendance and engagement. Members appreciated the flexibility to participate both in person and virtually, expanding their networking opportunities.

  • 3. Enhanced Value Proposition

    CN-X Collaboration Network successfully positioned itself as more than a conventional networking platform. It became a go-to resource for professionals seeking not only connections but also valuable content and event experiences.

  • 4. Resource Accessibility

    The revamped resource library received positive feedback for its comprehensive and organized content, aiding members' professional growth and knowledge acquisition.


The case study highlights how CN-X Collaboration Network transformed into a thriving hub for business collaboration and growth. By focusing on personalized connections, rich resource offerings, and versatile event experiences, CN-X successfully met its users' needs, establishing itself as a vital platform in the professional networking landscape. This approach not only drove user engagement but also solidified CN-X's position as a catalyst for business success and development.

Product Profile




Our Product Team


Partner Since


  • Ruby on RailsRuby on Rails
  • React.js
  • PostgreSQLPostgreSQL


  • Web App
  • Design System


  • Product Discovery & Strategy
  • UX / UI Design
  • MVP Development
  • Support & Maintenance



Color Palette

Color Palette


User-Friendly Homepage for Easy Navigation

CN-X, offers members a seamless and intuitive platform to connect with the Network. Through a minimalist design, we prioritize easy navigation and a clutter-free interface. Discover like-minded members, find valuable resources, and plan your engagement effortlessly. With a focus on user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, our homepage ensures you can quickly identify fellow members, access resources, schedule participation in events, and make the most of your membership journey.

User-Friendly Homepage for Easy Navigation

Manage Connections and Discover Professionals

Members serves as your central hub for networking. Easily manage your connections by accepting or sending connection requests with just a few clicks. Navigate through a user-friendly interface to find professionals in your field, helping you forge valuable connections.

Manage Connections and Discover Professionals

Event Exploration and Management

Explore a variety of event types, from casual Coffee Club gatherings to in-depth Focus Groups and immersive Online Full-Day experiences. Navigate through our calendar view, offering a comprehensive overview of the month's events at a glance. Easily locate and manage your booked and past events, ensuring you never miss a moment.

Simple resources

In the resources sub page, you can search for exacts journals and other reports or mastercalsses or just browse in the resources home page where you can see the latest materials, or click thourgh to see all video or document.

Simple resources

Easy User management

With a basic search and sorting functions, managing users becomes a breeze. Admins can effortlessly approve new users and deactivate accounts when needed, maintaining a secure and tailored user base.

Easy User management

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…if you need SaaS products, applications, intelligent platforms that enable you to achieve serious results and ambitious goals.

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