SaaS Application Development: From Idea to Execution

Remember the days when you needed a CD-ROM to download new software to your computer? That’s a thing of the past—now, you can simply go online and get the software you need with the click of a few buttons.

But have you ever wondered how to develop a SaaS application? We’ll explore the process of SaaS application development right from the initial concept right up to the point when you can release it to your clients.

What is SaaS application development?

SaaS stands for “software as a service”. It refers to software applications that are hosted by a cloud provider for use by consumers over the internet (rather than buying and installing a physical copy).

Some of the key factors to keep in mind for SaaS software development are:

  • Payment: Normally, these programs are used without a license. Instead, users get charged a regular fee, allowing them to use all of the features on the program.
  • Access to the program: This is normally done through the cloud infrastructure that you use to deploy your application.
  • Updates: Regular updates are provided to users without them needing to buy a new application each time.

SaaS products are becoming ever more popular, as they save consumers money and are easy to access and use.

Steps to take in your SaaS application development

There are a number of steps to think about while you’re planning on creating your SaaS software development:

Conceptualize your idea

The first step in your SaaS application development journey is (obviously) to come up with the idea that you’d like to develop. Brainstorming ideas with trusted advisors is one way of doing this.

You need to think about the problems that software users today struggle with. Finding a solution to some of those problems will ensure that you have a market for your product.

During this stage, you also need to look at any products that are on the market that could compete with your SaaS, and the clients that you hope to have when your software is complete. Knowing what they need and what will make your product stand out will allow you to create a really compelling application that people will want to use.

Knowing what you want to create is the first step in making something special.

Decide how to charge for your SaaS app

The way you intend to charge for your SaaS product needs to be decided upon before you start building it, as the revenue channel will probably determine some of the structure that you need to put in place when you start SaaS development. Since payment will generally be done online, code needs to be written to ensure that the revenue channel you choose is reliable and won’t let you down when you need it.

Development costs are one of the highest software-related expenses. If you need to change the code that controls the revenue service too often, you’ll be losing money. Proper planning will ensure that that doesn’t happen.

Decide on the infrastructure you’ll use

You want your SaaS application to reach as many people as possible. And that’s why you need to choose the right infrastructure to work with your product.

The infrastructure that you want to use needs to have enough security and a sufficient level of scalability. It also needs to be reliable and be able to support your new software.

Create an MVP

A minimum viable product (MVP) is the first step in creating your SaaS application. This MVP, as the name implies, is the most basic version of your new software. It’s the trial version that only has the most basic features.

You need to make sure that even though it’s basic, it will allow you to do tests and see if your applications will work. Your MVP is also the first line of hooking investors for your software development. It needs to be enticing enough to make people want to invest.

Building a digital product?

Test and change

With your MVP, you can start to do tests and allow some users to test it. Then, when you get feedback, make the required changes to improve your product.

You can still easily change most things at this stage, and fixing bugs now can be crucial to the success of the program later.

Begin developing your final product

After all of the testing is done, your team can start to work on the final SaaS application development until the product is completed and ready to be released.

Final steps

Finally, you can start to promote your SaaS application and ensure users know exactly what it has to offer. You can then release your final version. Don’t forget to continuously work on your application’s maintenance to ensure you don’t lose clients on the service aspect.

Ready to develop your SaaS application?

VeryCreatives would love to partner with you to help you on every step of your development journey and create something incredible. Book a call with us today or read more about our work on our website.

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Máté Várkonyi

Máté Várkonyi

Co-founder of VeryCreatives



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