The SaaS Founder

Publication for founders on building successful SaaS products.

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  • User Journey vs User Flow: Everything You Need to Know
    User Journey vs User Flow: Everything You Need to Know

    User Journey vs User Flow: Everything You Need to Know

    Understand the differences between the user journeys vs user flow so you can create the best user experiences for your products.

    March 8, 2023  -  5 min read

  • 6 Tips to Finish Your Product Development on Time
    6 Tips to Finish Your Product Development on Time

    6 Tips to Finish Your Product Development on Time

    Do you struggle to finish your product development on time? Find out how to get the most out of your product development cycle with these tips.

    March 1, 2023  -  5 min read

  • 5 Tips to Reduce SaaS Customer Acquisition Cost in 2023
    5 Tips to Reduce SaaS Customer Acquisition Cost in 2023

    5 Tips to Reduce SaaS Customer Acquisition Cost in 2023

    Customer acquisition cost can make up a big sum of your total expenditure. Here's how to reduce your costs while retaining your existing customers.

    February 14, 2023  -  5 min read

  • How to Prioritize Features in SaaS
    How to Prioritize Features in SaaS

    How to Prioritize Features in SaaS

    Struggling to figure out how to prioritize features in your SaaS product? Learn how to make the most of your resources and focus on what matters most.

    February 8, 2023  -  5 min read

  • How to Choose the Right Software Development Company to Build Your Product
    How to Choose the Right Software Development Company to Build Your Product

    How to Choose the Right Software Development Company to Build Your Product

    Your product is in the MVP stage and needs a software development company you can trust in terms of costs, quality, and timely delivery. Here’s what to look for.

    February 2, 2023  -  5 min read

  • A Complete Guide to the SaaS Customer Onboarding Process
    A Complete Guide to the SaaS Customer Onboarding Process

    A Complete Guide to the SaaS Customer Onboarding Process

    Onboarding customers is the most important part of the SaaS sales process. We cover it all in our complete guide to efficient SaaS customer onboarding.

    January 27, 2023  -  10 min read

  • User Journey vs User Flow: What's the Difference?
    User Journey vs User Flow: What's the Difference?

    User Journey vs User Flow: What's the Difference?

    Both the user journey and user flow are essential to teams looking to develop excellent products. Here are their differences and similarities.

    January 11, 2023  -  5 min read

  • How to Speed Up Software Development: 4 Practical Tips
    How to Speed Up Software Development: 4 Practical Tips

    How to Speed Up Software Development: 4 Practical Tips

    Development speeds matter, but most teams struggle to make their project goals happen on time. Here are a few tips to get code completed faster.

    January 2, 2023  -  5 min read

  • UI Design to Developer Handoff: A Simple Guide for Designers
    UI Design to Developer Handoff: A Simple Guide for Designers

    UI Design to Developer Handoff: A Simple Guide for Designers

    We outline seven key stages in any successful developer handoff, streamlining the process to maximize client satisfaction.

    November 23, 2022  -  8 min read

  • How to Measure Your Product-Led Growth: Product Value Metrics
    How to Measure Your Product-Led Growth: Product Value Metrics

    How to Measure Your Product-Led Growth: Product Value Metrics

    Product-led growth is the fastest way to scale your business. Learn how to use these KPIs and metrics to measure your progress.

    October 28, 2022  -  5 min read

  • 4 Product-Led Growth Tools and Software to Use in 2023
    4 Product-Led Growth Tools and Software to Use in 2023

    4 Product-Led Growth Tools and Software to Use in 2023

    Product-led growth is a great way to guide your project's development over time, but you'll need the right tools to make it work. Here are a few great options.

    October 25, 2022  -  5 min read

  • 6 Product-Led Growth Examples for Inspiration
    6 Product-Led Growth Examples for Inspiration

    6 Product-Led Growth Examples for Inspiration

    Can a B2B SaaS enterprise product company adopt a product-led growth model? The answer is yes—and these brands have succeeded by doing just that.

    October 14, 2022  -  5 min read

  • How to Build a Product-Led Growth Strategy for Your SaaS Company
    How to Build a Product-Led Growth Strategy for Your SaaS Company

    How to Build a Product-Led Growth Strategy for Your SaaS Company

    Many SaaS companies have grown to over $100 million in revenue. Find out how to create a product-led growth strategy and execute it with best-practice techniques.

    October 14, 2022  -  5 min read

  • Product-Led Growth: What It Is and Why It’s Important for Your SaaS Business
    Product-Led Growth: What It Is and Why It’s Important for Your SaaS Business

    Product-Led Growth: What It Is and Why It’s Important for Your SaaS Business

    The benefits of product-led growth are compelling, but it takes a company-wide mindset for any SaaS business to adopt this philosophy.

    October 12, 2022  -  5 min read

Weekly Dev & Design Round-up

Top articles of the week, handpicked by our team.

Dev & Design Round-up 20

Dev & Design Round-up 20

Oban, Phoenix LiveView and Netflix Data Science

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